The Dragon: The actual dragon you encounter in the first level and slay in the ninth is in cahoots with the Final Boss.Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The three playable characters are tricked by Ygorl into releasing him and his arch-enemy, Cireka, back into the material world.Kill It with Fire: The only way to make sure the trolls in chapter 7 stay down for good.

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She suddenly becomes very concerned over the fate of her home-town (which is full of wood-elves) when she learns that Cireka wants to summon her army right in the middle of it.

Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Zhai acts very flippant and callous towards ideas such as altruism near the start of the game, and mocks Rannek for spending time helping "weak" wood-elves.Gameplay and Story Segregation: You are able to buy very rare and powerful items in between levels, but it is never explained where exactly you purchase them.Fighter, Mage, Thief: Rannek is the fighter, Illius is the mage and Zhai is the thief.This is a very transparent effort by the developers to prevent you from beating certain bosses too easily. Fake Difficulty: Several bosses have a special ability which knocks one or more of the player characters unconscious for a few seconds, preventing you from using them during a fight.Evil Versus Evil: The Slaad-Lord Ygorl and the Githyanki general Cireka are at war with each other over who will get to invade Faerûn.Experience Points: Each of the characters gains their own xp., though the team as a whole can gain special bonus xp.Elite Mooks: The faster and more vicious sladd encountered towards the end of the game are the most notable example of this trope.Zhai's hometown burns to the ground during the third chapter. Doomed Hometown: Rannek's child-hood home was overrun by trolls.Character Level: Each of the heroes can reach up to level 15 (though they stop unlocking skills at 10).Character Customization: You can buy specific armor, weapons and other items at the end of each level as you accumulate gold during your travels.Blood Knight: Both the Slaad and the Githyanki are entire races of Blood Knights.Big Good: Khelben Blackstaff is one of the most powerful mages on Faerûn and was responisble for sealing away Ygorl and Cireka simultaneously.